5 tips on how to gently get them to pay you in Kanawha County

by | Oct 14, 2022 | Blog

People think it’s easy money. All you have to do is to let someone live in your Kanawha County home and you get a brand new source of income. However, what most people don’t know is that being a landlord is still a profession. It still comes with its own set of roles, responsibilities, and risks.

Landlords in Kanawha County, WV come across all sorts of bad tenants. You have the reckless ones that have no respect for the property. There are the demanding ones that make unreasonable requests at ungodly hours. But the kinds of tenants that make you want to give up and sell your Kanawha County house fast are the ones who pay late and ruin your mortgage schedule.

So how can you get your Kanawha County tenants to pay rent on time? To help you out, we’ve listed five quick and easy tips on how to remind your tenants to uphold their end of the deal:

Set the right tone at the start

The work begins even before your tenants move in. A responsible Kanawha County landlord would first provide an extensive walkthrough of the lease for their tenants. Inform them of the provisions in the document and emphasize the importance of paying rent on time. You can also provide yourself with some extra protection by requiring them to sign and place their initials on every page. This ensures that they read the lease thoroughly.

Keep communication lines open

Lawsuits and evictions can be costly and time-consuming. So before you consider these options, try to have a serious conversation with your tenant first. Here are some talking points that you can explore in your one-on-one session:


Payment reminders

You’d be surprised at how a gentle reminder could change their behavior. Perhaps you can also suggest the use of online payment methods and reminder apps.


Establish camaraderie

This could also be a way to better understand their situation. Tenants who feel comfortable with their landlords are more likely to pay on time and renew their contracts.

Suggest assistance

If you discover that your tenants are suffering from financial issues, you can recommend assistance programs. The state of West Virginia has options available, so work with your tenant in finding the program that works with them.

Implement fees and incentives

Fees and incentives are an effective way to get your Kanawha County tenants to pay rent on time. It is a subtle way to remind them that there are consequences to their actions.



There are a couple of things to keep in mind if you’re planning on implementing late fees. For example, the law prohibits landlords from placing a late fee that is higher than five percent of the rent. Feel free to include a grace period in the agreement as well.


Positive reinforcement works on tenants as well. Incentivize early payments by providing a small discount. Just make sure that the discount does not take away from your profit.

Keep a record

In the event that your tenants continue to pay late despite all of the possible interventions, you can report their behavior to the credit bureaus or start the eviction process. Here, the paper trail is key. You need to have documentation and records of your reminders and communication. This protects you and proves that you did your job.

Practice consistency

At the end of the day, being a landlord is a business. And a good business thrives with consistency. If you establish late fees or incentives, make sure that you follow through at all times. In addition, uphold your responsibility of reminding them regularly. Tenants who can feel this consistency will be more motivated to pay on time.

Need to learn more?

3 Oh 4 Investments, LLC is a real estate solutions company that understands your situation. We know how exhausting these tenants can be and we can offer you a way to sell your Kanawha County house fast!

As one of the best cash home buyers in Kanawha County, WV, we can close in less than two weeks while still offering you the best possible price on your home. Say goodbye to these pesky tenants and say hello to 3 Oh 4 Investments! Give us a call at (304) 314-4341 and we’ll get you started on that fair cash offer today!

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