Your Options When Behind on Mortgage Payments in Kanawha County

by | Mar 2, 2022 | Blog

Find yourself behind on mortgage payments in West Virginia? Don’t fret, ‘cause it isn’t the end yet! There are many things you can attend to first in order to avoid the eventual foreclosure hearing you’ll be invited to attend. Foreclosure is a tiresome, financially taxing process, and we’re here to help you navigate it to the best of your ability.

Below, you’ll find different ways of dealing with imminent foreclosure before it gets finalized. Read on to find out:

Get in touch with your bank

Your bank is likely your creditor, and if you owe them money, you need to constantly be in touch with them in order to find out how you can pay off your debts. They don’t prefer customers who are in debt either, so they will likely provide you with many options you can turn to in order to get your finances in order.

When meeting with them either online, in person, or on the phone, make sure you take detailed notes of your meetings. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and turn to them for recommendations.

Find out how much time you have left

Your creditor will likely give you an exact deadline for having your finances in order. It’s important to remember that time isn’t on your side. Because of late payments that have accumulated, you can’t afford another late payment from here on out.

Everything you do to earn money should actively work towards paying off all your debts, which is why the previous step is extremely important. Whoever you’re working with to pay off your debts should be explicitly aware of the deadline, too! It’s important to weigh all your options and eliminate those that will take too much time. Foreclosure is expensive, and no one wants it!

Talk to a qualified real estate agent

Selling property on your own to try to cover your debts is only easy in theory. You’re competing against so many other homes in your area and on listing sites, so you might need to contact a professional to help you out.

With the information at your disposal, it will help to shortlist qualified real estate agents you can speak to in order for them to help you make a fast sale on your property. Ask about their relevant experience and track record. You’ll need someone experienced but highly amenable to a rushed job such as this one.

Find out how you can sell your home

Is a real estate agent on the table? Will you be utilizing social media to sound off on the first possible buyer? Do you have access to listing sites like Zillow and Realtor?

All of these should be in consideration while figuring out how to sell your home. You can enlist the help of family and friends as well to build a network of potential buyers, so you can sell as soon as you can. Taking advantage of your immediate network can mean the difference between waiting ages for your next buyer or finding one in just a few days.

Secure a sale immediately

Being able to sell your house fast so you won’t have to deal with being in foreclosure can be easy in West Virginia, only if your strategy is rock solid and you will be able to secure a deal right away.

As a seller, it pays not to be that picky. You need to say yes to a buyer only if they will commit to a payment, and they can commit to it fast. Manage your expectations, and you should be able to secure quick income right away.

Sell to a professional home buyer!

“How do I sell my house fast in Kanawha County?”

Get in touch with us at 3 Oh 4 Investments! We are a professional cash home buying company who accepts homes regardless of repairs, realtors, hidden fees, commissions, or repairs. We take care of all of that for you so you can focus on accepting your fair cash deal in just 72 hours!

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